Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Halloween Night

 Before we headed out for a night of Trick-or-Treating my Mom came over to bring some Halloween goodies and we attempted a few pictures of her with the boys.

We manage to get a few cute ones out of the 100 we took!

This is the little bucket of candy Reed got from Gran and there were stickers to decorate it, we couldn't leave until every sticker was on the bucket.

Just a few more...the best we got with both of them.

The Hines Family invited us over to ride on a trailer around the neighborhood.  This is Reed and Montgomery they go to school and church together and even share the same birthday.  They are best buddies!

And it looks like Graham and Justice, Montgomery's little brother will be best buddies before you know it.  Justice was being so sweet playing with Graham. 

And he wouldn't stop hugging sweet!

Once the kiddos played a little in the house we were off to get on the trailer.  

Reed & Montgomery before we took off.  There were so many kids all of the parents just walked along the side. 

The kids had a blast running from house to house and then jumping back on the trailer to ride a few more feet down the road and then jump off again. 

Reed is asking this lady for a different piece of candy!  At the first few houses he was trying to be picky but he quickly learned that to keep up he just needed to grab and go!

Being picky again....

Graham & Daddy hanging out watching all the chaos!

The boys and their loot....way to much!!

The holidays get more and more fun every year!  Reed was really into Halloween this year and it was so fun seeing Graham walk around every where in his little costume!  I can only imagine how fun next year will be!

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