Reed was 4 months old on August 9th! Two weeks late on posting, but I did take these pictures and jot a few things down on the 9th about what he has been up to this month. He is getting so big and cuter every day! At his 4 month check-up he weighed 16 lbs 7 oz (80th percentile), 25 1/2 inches long (75%) and his head was 16 1/4 cm (35%). The doctor said he looks great and his a healthy little boy!
I could stare at this smile all day!
This little 1 month old has grown up and perfected that little smile! Wow, he has changed so much! Why do they have to grow up so fast?
What Reed is up to at 4 months.....
- Still wearing 3 to 6 month clothes
- Still wearing size 2 diapers
- Still nursing/eating 5 to 6 times a day, every 3 to 3 1/2 hours. Every once in a while he will go 4 hours, but it is usually when we are out and about and he is asleep in the car or stroller or distracted by everything going on around him.
- Still loves his playmat! Reed loves to look at himself in the mirror that hangs above him on the mat. I say all the time, "What would we do without that mirror!"
- We also got the jumperoo out this month, his feet barely touch the ground but he likes it a lot and will play in it for quite a while.
- Starting to reach more and more for things
- Can hold toys really well now and everything goes straight to his mouth
- Still chewing on his fists like crazy, this creates an enormous amount of drool everywhere.
- For the last week or so Reed as been going to bed between 8 and 8:30. He still doesn't nap a whole lot during the day, so by 8 o'clock he is so tired. He sleeps until around 7. The days that I go to work (I work 3 days in the office and 2 from home...more on that later) I have to wake him up at 7 to feed him. On the days that I am home he is normally up by 7:30, but he has slept in a few times past 8 o'clock.
- Loves being on the go! I always say Reed is like a different baby when we are out of the house. Don't get me wrong he has always been a great baby, but when we are out he never fusses, smiles and everyone and is always so happy.
- Loves to watch tv. We have caught him looking around us sometimes to look at the tv.
- Still not rolling over! He gets so far over on his side, but he will not roll over! He will also get himself turned completely around, just not over!
- Pulling his head up when he is laying on his back. Anytime you put him in his carseat, lay him on his boppy or flat in your lap he will pull himself up as far as he can, like he doesn't like laying down. He would always rather be seating up. Sometimes he will get himself sitting straight up in his boppy by himself. I can't put him in is bouncy seat anymore because it doesn't allow him to sit up enough to his liking and he throws himself forward so far he can't lean back.
- His hair is starting to grow back in slowly but surely! I think it is a little lighter too.