For most expecting parents one of the most exciting times is telling their parents! We were so excited to spread the news! Again, I had this event all planned out in my mind. We had decided it was best to wait until after our second ultrasound to tell them. So last weekend is when it finally happened! Our church was having their grand opening services and we convinced both sides of the family, siblings and all that they should come to church with us and then come over for lunch. Once everyone got back to our house, Gracie and Zeek were barking like crazy wanting out of their kennels. So I went in and put their shirts on again and let them out to tell the grandparents, aunts and uncles! My sister had already learned the news so she was manned behind the video camera to catch the big moment on tape!
Everyone of course was thrilled once they figured out what the shirts said, that took a while! They loved how we told them and are just anxious for this baby's arrival!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Pregnancy Brain....can it already be happening?
Okay, so I have always heard my pregnant friends talk about having "pregnancy brain!" Basically, I have always thought well that is a cute way of blaming your forgetfulness on something! :) But really y'all it may be true! Most of you that know me know I am pretty detail oriented and organized person.
Well last week I had to travel to Chicago for business. So I check my bag, get my boarding pass, get through security and I am sitting there, with plenty of time, waiting for them to call us to board the plane. I suddenly realize that I have forgotten to go by the bank to get some cash. I know I will have to take a taxi to get to my hotel once I land in Chicago, so I decide to get up and walk through the airport to see if there is an ATM. I ask someone and they tell me that I will have to go back through security, so I decide that isn't necessary that I will just worry about it later. So I am walking back to my gate and I hear the lady at the desk saying something about a plane being delayed another 30 mins due to mechanical failure. I know that there are two groups of people waiting to board two different planes, but for some reason in my head I just assume that it is my plane. So I sit back down get comfortable again reading "What to Expect When You Are Expecting!" Then I have another striking thought, well if the plane is going to be delayed I might not be able to eat for a while. I have been extremely lucky in the fact that I have not had any morning sickness...PTL! But I have gone a couple of times to the point of starvation and it has made me feel terrible for the rest of the day. So I decide to get back up and go find some pretzels to tie me over until I get to eat dinner. I get my pretzels and I am walking back to my gate again and right as I am getting to the gate over the load speaker this man says, "Andrea Baker report to Gate 1 immediately!" Again, if you know me you know I totally freaked out, I am so embarrassed! I walk up to the man and he says, "Are you ready?" At this point I don't even know what has happen. But then has I am walking down the ramp to the plane I hear him say on his walky talky, "The last one is coming!" Holy cow in the little time I went to get pretzels they call for boarding and everyone had already gotten on the plane. I guess our plane wasn't the one with mechanical problems after all...oops! Anyway, I was just happy I got on the plane! :)
So I have an okay time in Chicago it was all business and no fun, but Friday finally came and it was time to go home. At the airport I go up to one of the self check-in machines and input my information and it says, "Information not found, report to the line!" I don't think anything of it and I go get in line to check my bag and get my boarding pass. I walk up to the lady hand her my driver's license and she says, "Ma'ma do you have any paperwork with you that shows you booking a flight." I hand her the information I had printed off the internet a few weeks earlier when I booked the flight. She immediately looks at it a points to the date and says, "You were suppose to fly home yesterday!" What?? No, I wasn't I was working yesterday! Well, apparently I had my dates mixed up and never realized that I had booked my flight home for the wrong day! YIKES!! So, guess what happens when you don't show up for a flight? Answer: Your ticket is void and you have to buy another one, plus an airport fee of $30, on top of paying $15 each way to check a bag! Thankfully, there was another plane flying to Little Rock that day, that was not full and I was able to get on. I wasn't about to leave the gait this time while waiting, but then when I get up to board the plane I realize I need to go to the bathroom, oops to late and I wasn't about to use the airplane restroom. So when we got off in Little Rock I was litterally running to the bathroom! Wow, what a trip!
Seriously, I think "Pregnancy Brain" could be true!!
Well last week I had to travel to Chicago for business. So I check my bag, get my boarding pass, get through security and I am sitting there, with plenty of time, waiting for them to call us to board the plane. I suddenly realize that I have forgotten to go by the bank to get some cash. I know I will have to take a taxi to get to my hotel once I land in Chicago, so I decide to get up and walk through the airport to see if there is an ATM. I ask someone and they tell me that I will have to go back through security, so I decide that isn't necessary that I will just worry about it later. So I am walking back to my gate and I hear the lady at the desk saying something about a plane being delayed another 30 mins due to mechanical failure. I know that there are two groups of people waiting to board two different planes, but for some reason in my head I just assume that it is my plane. So I sit back down get comfortable again reading "What to Expect When You Are Expecting!" Then I have another striking thought, well if the plane is going to be delayed I might not be able to eat for a while. I have been extremely lucky in the fact that I have not had any morning sickness...PTL! But I have gone a couple of times to the point of starvation and it has made me feel terrible for the rest of the day. So I decide to get back up and go find some pretzels to tie me over until I get to eat dinner. I get my pretzels and I am walking back to my gate again and right as I am getting to the gate over the load speaker this man says, "Andrea Baker report to Gate 1 immediately!" Again, if you know me you know I totally freaked out, I am so embarrassed! I walk up to the man and he says, "Are you ready?" At this point I don't even know what has happen. But then has I am walking down the ramp to the plane I hear him say on his walky talky, "The last one is coming!" Holy cow in the little time I went to get pretzels they call for boarding and everyone had already gotten on the plane. I guess our plane wasn't the one with mechanical problems after all...oops! Anyway, I was just happy I got on the plane! :)
So I have an okay time in Chicago it was all business and no fun, but Friday finally came and it was time to go home. At the airport I go up to one of the self check-in machines and input my information and it says, "Information not found, report to the line!" I don't think anything of it and I go get in line to check my bag and get my boarding pass. I walk up to the lady hand her my driver's license and she says, "Ma'ma do you have any paperwork with you that shows you booking a flight." I hand her the information I had printed off the internet a few weeks earlier when I booked the flight. She immediately looks at it a points to the date and says, "You were suppose to fly home yesterday!" What?? No, I wasn't I was working yesterday! Well, apparently I had my dates mixed up and never realized that I had booked my flight home for the wrong day! YIKES!! So, guess what happens when you don't show up for a flight? Answer: Your ticket is void and you have to buy another one, plus an airport fee of $30, on top of paying $15 each way to check a bag! Thankfully, there was another plane flying to Little Rock that day, that was not full and I was able to get on. I wasn't about to leave the gait this time while waiting, but then when I get up to board the plane I realize I need to go to the bathroom, oops to late and I wasn't about to use the airplane restroom. So when we got off in Little Rock I was litterally running to the bathroom! Wow, what a trip!
Seriously, I think "Pregnancy Brain" could be true!!
Baby Baker is on the way!! :)
We are so excited to announce that we are expecting our first little one on April 14th, 2009!! That makes me about 10 weeks pregnant! Not that everyone wants to know the details but I really want to use this blog as a way of remembering all the little details and memories that we have made so far and will make as we go through the next several months. So if you don't want the details, just know that I am pregnant and stop reading now! :)
Josh and I have always talk about having children and I finally decided it was time. So after taking a little pill every day for 4 1/2 years I decided to stop in June. By early August even though I knew that it may take a while to get pregnant I was a little sad that it had not happen yet (at least so I thought). Finally, one night my brain started processing a few signs that I had been having (all you Moms or Moms to be probably know what I am taking about) that made me think I may be pregnant, but I was also having several symptoms that you don't want to have if you are pregnant, but I decided to take a pregnancy test any way on August 24th, a Sunday night about 9:30. Shockingly it was positive....I didn't know what to think, could this really be true. Well, not sure how I did it but I didn't tell Josh that night. I had planned in my head how I wanted to tell him and I didn't want to ruin it (that's the planner in me)! I decided to call the doctor in the morning and ask them a few questions about the not so good signs of a possible miscarriage I had been having. My doctor's nurse told me to assume I was pregnant and come in for blood work the next day.
So Monday night after work Josh and I had to take dinner to a couple that had just had their baby the week before. It was getting harder and harder to keep my mouth such, but we finally made it home about 8:30. Josh was hard at work on his fantasy football draft, so I snuck the dogs into the other room and put t-shirts on them that said "I am going to be a big brother" and "I am going to be a big sister!" I had had these shirts for about 4 months and had not shown a sole, so I was so excited to be able to actually put them on the dogs and the statements be true! :) I had also gone on my lunch break that day and bought and took a digital pregnancy test. I wanted to make it very clear to Josh what I was trying to tell him. So the dogs go running back into the living room and Josh immediately looks up and says, "What are you doing!" Then I hand him the pregnancy test and he realizes what the shirts say and he screams with joy, "Your PREGNANT!" He was so excited! And you have to remember I had been putting him through a lot the last few months thinking we were never going to get pregnant! So I am sure a lot of pressure was lifted from him in that moment! Anyway, so then I had to tell him that I was going for blood work the next day and that I was unsure how the pregnancy was progressing or how far along I was!
So Tuesday, I get to the doctor as soon as they open. I have the blood work done and go back to work. They had planned to do blood work 48 hours apart to see what my hgc levels were doing, if they went down over a 2 day period I was to assume I was having a miscarriage. So finally Wednesday morning the nurse calls me with the results. She says quote, "Girl your levels are so high you have to be pretty far along, there is no reason to do more blood work, we just need to do an ultrasound!" Apparently, my hgc levels were at 72,000 and someone between 3 and 4 weeks would have levels around 30,000-40,000. So I immediately knew we had most likely gotten pregnant the first time (sorry Josh) and I just didn't know it!
So then I call Josh and tell him he has to take off work on Wednesday to go see his baby! His response of course was, "What?" This was all moving so fast! Wednesday we go to the doctor at 1:10 (so I had to wait all day) and we get to see our little baby at 7 weeks and 1 day and we also got to hear the heartbeat at 135! We were both so shocked, scared and excited! The ultrasound looked great, so that was it! My first OB appointment was set for September 8th, 13 days away! Those 13 days were probably the hardest days of my life. Seeing all the signs of miscarriage, but knowing I had seen a healthy baby inside of me was so hard. I have never screamed out to God before, but I did during those days! I wanted this baby so bad!!
Thankfully, September 8th came and we yet again had another great ultrasound. The baby measured 9 weeks and 1 day (2 days ahead) and the heartbeat was 176! I got to see the doctor this time and she told me that I have a fragile cervix and that the blood was caused by extra blood vessels that had attached to my cervix. She let us know that everything looked great, answered our questions and we were on our way!
We are so excited about the upcoming arrival of this baby! I want to say a special thanks to the few friends that did know about my pregnancy during this very hard time! Thank you so much for getting me through it and for all your prayers! My next appointment is October 6th (the last day of my first trimester). I think once this appointment is over I will be able to take another deep breath knowing that we have made it through the most critical time.
Josh and I have always talk about having children and I finally decided it was time. So after taking a little pill every day for 4 1/2 years I decided to stop in June. By early August even though I knew that it may take a while to get pregnant I was a little sad that it had not happen yet (at least so I thought). Finally, one night my brain started processing a few signs that I had been having (all you Moms or Moms to be probably know what I am taking about) that made me think I may be pregnant, but I was also having several symptoms that you don't want to have if you are pregnant, but I decided to take a pregnancy test any way on August 24th, a Sunday night about 9:30. Shockingly it was positive....I didn't know what to think, could this really be true. Well, not sure how I did it but I didn't tell Josh that night. I had planned in my head how I wanted to tell him and I didn't want to ruin it (that's the planner in me)! I decided to call the doctor in the morning and ask them a few questions about the not so good signs of a possible miscarriage I had been having. My doctor's nurse told me to assume I was pregnant and come in for blood work the next day.
So Monday night after work Josh and I had to take dinner to a couple that had just had their baby the week before. It was getting harder and harder to keep my mouth such, but we finally made it home about 8:30. Josh was hard at work on his fantasy football draft, so I snuck the dogs into the other room and put t-shirts on them that said "I am going to be a big brother" and "I am going to be a big sister!" I had had these shirts for about 4 months and had not shown a sole, so I was so excited to be able to actually put them on the dogs and the statements be true! :) I had also gone on my lunch break that day and bought and took a digital pregnancy test. I wanted to make it very clear to Josh what I was trying to tell him. So the dogs go running back into the living room and Josh immediately looks up and says, "What are you doing!" Then I hand him the pregnancy test and he realizes what the shirts say and he screams with joy, "Your PREGNANT!" He was so excited! And you have to remember I had been putting him through a lot the last few months thinking we were never going to get pregnant! So I am sure a lot of pressure was lifted from him in that moment! Anyway, so then I had to tell him that I was going for blood work the next day and that I was unsure how the pregnancy was progressing or how far along I was!
So Tuesday, I get to the doctor as soon as they open. I have the blood work done and go back to work. They had planned to do blood work 48 hours apart to see what my hgc levels were doing, if they went down over a 2 day period I was to assume I was having a miscarriage. So finally Wednesday morning the nurse calls me with the results. She says quote, "Girl your levels are so high you have to be pretty far along, there is no reason to do more blood work, we just need to do an ultrasound!" Apparently, my hgc levels were at 72,000 and someone between 3 and 4 weeks would have levels around 30,000-40,000. So I immediately knew we had most likely gotten pregnant the first time (sorry Josh) and I just didn't know it!
So then I call Josh and tell him he has to take off work on Wednesday to go see his baby! His response of course was, "What?" This was all moving so fast! Wednesday we go to the doctor at 1:10 (so I had to wait all day) and we get to see our little baby at 7 weeks and 1 day and we also got to hear the heartbeat at 135! We were both so shocked, scared and excited! The ultrasound looked great, so that was it! My first OB appointment was set for September 8th, 13 days away! Those 13 days were probably the hardest days of my life. Seeing all the signs of miscarriage, but knowing I had seen a healthy baby inside of me was so hard. I have never screamed out to God before, but I did during those days! I wanted this baby so bad!!
Thankfully, September 8th came and we yet again had another great ultrasound. The baby measured 9 weeks and 1 day (2 days ahead) and the heartbeat was 176! I got to see the doctor this time and she told me that I have a fragile cervix and that the blood was caused by extra blood vessels that had attached to my cervix. She let us know that everything looked great, answered our questions and we were on our way!
We are so excited about the upcoming arrival of this baby! I want to say a special thanks to the few friends that did know about my pregnancy during this very hard time! Thank you so much for getting me through it and for all your prayers! My next appointment is October 6th (the last day of my first trimester). I think once this appointment is over I will be able to take another deep breath knowing that we have made it through the most critical time.
Baby Baker at 7 weeks and 1 day!

Baby Baker at 8 weeks and 6 days, measuring 9 weeks, 1 day!
What a difference 2 weeks makes! this really happening!!
I guess it is official I am typing a blog entry! I have been an avid reader of many blogs for a while, as some of you know, but for some reason never felt the need to have my own. Pretty much, if I know you or even just know of you I probably read your blog! Yes, I am admitting it I love to read about peoples lives, to me it is like real life reality tv!
With upcoming life changes on the horizon I now feel like I have something that friends and family might be interested in reading about and something I will be excited about here it goes! Hopefully, I will be a good blogger and find time to update often! :)
With upcoming life changes on the horizon I now feel like I have something that friends and family might be interested in reading about and something I will be excited about here it goes! Hopefully, I will be a good blogger and find time to update often! :)
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