Yesterday, I had my last monthly appointment! The past 6 months have flown by! I had my glucose test (which wasn't to bad at all) and also had another ultrasound to check my low lying placenta. My placenta has moved up, which is a
definite answer to prayer and means no c-section at this point; however, stubborn little Reed is still breech. I have been pretty confident that he has been breech the whole pregnancy (all the kicks have been very low) , so now we just need him to turn a
somersault in the next couple of months! If I do have to have a c-section I know everything will work out fine; however, all you girls know that that is not the experience you wish for, but if it happens it happens!
Reed weighed 2 lbs. 3 oz. and his heartbeat was 144 bpm. We could definitely tell a huge difference in his size, his hands and feet looked so big. He had his hands up around his face and his mouth was even open some. We also got to see his little beating heart again, which is so amazing! Hearing it is awesome but actually seeing it beating inside of me is such a miracle!
Good to know that everything is going well. My doctor told me that most babies are breech through the majority of your pregnancy, so I bet he will flip and you won't have anything to worry about.
Thanks for the update! He looks so big! Hope he learns to do flips soon for you!
I love to read your updates!! Sounds like everything is going so well with your pregnancy! Don't worry about him being breech now...both of mine were until about 32 weeks! He'll turn!
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