Sunday, June 28, 2009

2 Month Dr. Appointment

Thursday, June 11th Reed had his 2 month doctor's appointment and the dreaded first round of shots. Reed did great! It was a little bit harder to watch than I thought it would be. The nurse came in to give the shots and she asked that one of us hold his chest down in case he jumped. I didn't think anything of it, so when Josh stepped back like he didn't want to, I quickly put my hand over him. After the shots Josh said, "Haha now he is going to associate you with the pain!" I didn't even think about that, but it was so hard to see his little face go from being just fine to complete terror and I am sure it will only get worse has he gets older. It was the first time I heard him cry so hard that he held his breath. I picked him up as soon as I could and he calmed right down. I had given him a dose of Tylenol before the shots and the medicine knocked him out. We traveled to Fayetteville that night and he slept the whole way up there and still slept through the night. Reed weighed 14 lbs 5 ounces (95%). He was 23 1/2 inches long (75%) and his head was 15 (15%). Reed is a big little boy! The doctor said he looked great and was very impressed that he was sleeping through the night (he was on a 5 night stretch).

Nothing like little legs with band-aids on them. Can you tell he was just fine by the smile on his face?

1 comment:

The Nelson Family said...

95% huh?? I believe it! He's a cutie! I always say the shots are quick, but getting sick would be terrible, so it's the lesser of 2 evils for sure.