Sunday, October 4, 2009

Making Baby Food

A couple of weeks ago Reed and I made a special trip to the store to gather lots of fruits and veggies to make baby food! We came home and Reed sat in his bumbo seat while I steamed sweet potatoes, pureed them in the food processor and then but them in ice cube trays to freeze.

Here is Reed with the first batch of baby food.

He can't wait to eat this yummy food!
Fun times in the kitchen with Mommy!

Reed started eating solid food on September 19th (it just happen to be exactly 1 month after we started him on cereal), we started with bananas mixed with cereal instead of milk. Then he had sweet potatoes, next avocados and today will be day 4 of cooked peaches. Everything I have read says to feed them the same food for 4 days to make sure there are no allergies to the food, so that is what we have been doing. He has loved everything but avocados. He makes the funniest face when I put a spoon full in his mouth. He even squirms in his chair, it taste so funny to him, but he keeps opening his mouth for more. This child will eat anything and can NEVER get enough. All 4 nights of avocados I mixed it with a little banana so he would eat it a little better. Next up on the list to try is cooked pears! I also have cooked plums, mango and papaya in the freezer along with everything else he has already tried. I am using the book Super Baby Food as my guide and I love this book. Several of my friends have used it and recommended it. It is such an easy read and gives a step by step process of how to pick the foods, prepare them and even what age is best to start each fruit or veggie.

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