Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Graham is 9 Months!

I can't believe this precious baby boy is 9 months old, time is flying by!  I fall more in love every day!  However, 9 months is starting off a little rough!  Graham started daycare last Wednesday and by Friday he was coming home early with fever and then Reed started feeling bad soon after he woke up Saturday morning and was also running fever.  Graham's fever went away by mid-afternoon Saturday, but Reed's continued until Monday morning so off to the doctor we went.  Reed has strep throat again (he just had it in March and it was his first time to be really sick) and although Graham isn't old enough to be tested the doctor assumes that he also has it so they are both on antibiotics.  Although, I am super sad they are sick, we had the best day together being at home. We caught the illness super early so you would have never known Reed was sick, but Graham has been off quite a bit.  Okay, I digress on to what's new with Graham!
 Graham seems to have grown a ton to me this month.  He was 20 lbs even at the doctor yesterday!  I feel like he just moved into 6-9 month clothes and they are already getting small.  We may be in trouble with clothes this winter because all of Reed's first set of winter clothes was 6-9 months.  Looks like I have a lot of shopping to do soon! :)  Graham rarely wears shoes, but last week he wore a pair of size 3.  He is still wearing size 3 diapers, but I will be buying size 4 next, which is crazy to me because Reed was in a size 5 when he got potty trained. 
The big news this month is Graham finally got his first tooth or should I say teeth.  The bottom two teeth broke through weekend before last.  We knew it would be coming soon and we had been feeling his gums every day for a week or so and finally a little point was there on August 19th and within a couple of days I could feel both.

Graham also started clapping on August 11th.  He does it all the time and usually all we have to say is "Yay" and he will start clapping, but of course today I couldn't get him to clap for anything.  He definitely wasn't 100% today so we will blame it on that.  He has also gotten better and better at waving hi and bye-bye.  The clapping and waving are so, so cute!!

Graham is into everything!  I have been saying lately I know Reed was this busy once, but I just don't remember it!  Graham crawls at lightening speed especially when he sees something he knows he is not suppose to have like the fireplace rocks and Gracie's water bowl.  The water bowl sits up high, so he has dumped it many times all over him.  He also loves getting Reed's small Legos and toys in his mouth.  Reed has had to learn not to leave little things laying down where he can reach it.

Graham is pulling up on everything and even starting to walk by pushing things.  Today he stood unassisted for at least 10 seconds.  I really didn't mean for it to happen, but he was standing he front of me sitting on the floor and I just let go and he stood, he even held his arms out and purposely balanced!  Crazy!  Reed took his first step at 10 months, 5 days and was fully walking right before 11 months so we will see if Graham does the same thing.  I have mixed feelings about him walking early, but I love seeing him learn and it will be so fun to see him and Reed run together!

This month has been much better in the sleep department!  I  try to make notes throughout the month of what Graham is learning and doing and thankfully I made this note during the month because the last 3 days have been horrific as far as sleeping goes.  Throughout the month Graham was going down between 7:30 and 8:30 and most mornings sleeping until after 7, the 6 am wake up calls had finally subsided.  However, due to the sickness and teething the last 3 nights, Josh and I have been up literally every hour.  Last night I was up trying to get work done because I had to be home today and I had to rock him back to sleep 5 times between 8:30 and 12. He is pitiful!!  He just wakes up out of a dead sleep screaming and will not settle down without rocking, we have tried everything.  He is so sweet though because he just snuggles into you and goes right to sleep, but it has been rough!  So far so good tonight! 

Graham still loves to eat!  He is still nursing in the mornings and taking 4, 5 ounce bottles of breast milk at 11, 2, 5 and 8.  He typically eats yogurt with toast or pancakes for breakfast and 5 or 6 ounces of baby food at lunch and dinner.  At lunch he usually has homemade avocado and fruit and then jarred veggies or meat at dinner.  When he eats jarred food he has been known to finish 2 full jars several times.  He loves puffs and mum-mums and this month has started eating Cheerios, even eating them not broken up.  The last couple of days being sick he has lived off Cheerios and milk with only a little baby food.  We are starting to give him more and more table food and he seems to prefer it over baby food.

Last Wednesday Graham got his 3rd haircut!  Not many 9 month olds can say they have had 3 haircuts!  This was only the 2nd one we paid for, obviously I posted the second one when Josh just took scissors to his curls!  This time he really needed one all over and especially the sides again.  If only he were a girl we would have pigtails by now! :)  He looks so grown up, like a little man!

Graham is a Momma's boy and I LOVE it!  Reed never really cared who was holding him and I never remember him crying for me, but Graham has done it several times where he will fuss just for me to hold him!  Graham also loves his paci!  He doesn't have it all the time, but it is definitely a comfort for him.  We still plan to take it away around a year, just like we did with Reed.  Another one of Graham's loves is bath time.  Soon after Graham started sitting up good, he started taking a full bath with Reed.  He loves to splash and crawl all over the tub.  Graham's biggest hate right now is diaper changing!  He becomes a squirmy worm as soon as he is laid down, it makes changing a diaper an Olympic event! 

Graham seems to babble more and more every day, but so far he really is only saying Ma-ma and Da-da.  We are also starting to work on sign language with him.  Reed started signing please at 9 months, so Graham should be signing soon.  We are starting with please and more, pretty much the same thing to a 9 month old! :)  Reed is also learning to dance!  He is just starting to move and bounce when he hears music, especially on his learning table. 

Graham can't get enough of Reed and Reed can't get enough of Graham, it is best!  When Reed wakes up Graham is the first thing he ask about and when Graham sees Reed he always gets the biggest smile on his face.  Lately we have been playing in Reed's room a lot, Graham loves all the big boy toys and Reed is learning to share everything with little brother.  Graham also loves to crawl straight for Reed's room to see what he can get in to.  We love watching them together, there just isn't anything better! 

Reed at 9 months!  Lately lots of people have been saying Graham looks just like big brother.  I think they are starting to favor more and more (Graham is definitely catching up in size), but I still think they are so different!

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