Sunday, November 11, 2012

Graham is 11 months!

I am in totally disbelief that this precious face is already 11 months old!  Graham is just happy, happy, happy all the time and walking everywhere now! 

On October 3rd, Graham starting taking 15-20 steps and then by October 15th, Josh and I agreed he was walking more than crawling, but it wasn't until October 27th that he could stand up without assistance. For the longest time Graham had to crawl over to the wall, use a toy or anything he could lift up on to stand up and then all of a sudden while he was in the bathroom with me while I was getting ready I looked over and he put his hands on the floor and just pushed up to stand and we haven't seen him crawl again since!  Graham has also shown us that he is going to be a little climber.  I have caught him several times climbing up on toys to get to what he wants.  I have even watched him climb up on the crib bumpers on the video monitor, little monkey!  He is also quite the little dancer!  Any time Graham hears music he immediately starts bouncing.  My phone is full of video of him dancing, its just too cute!

As you can see he is to busy for pictures!  I had to take what I could get this day. 

Graham is wearing size 4-5 shoe.  We are finally wearing shoes more that he is walking and it is getting cold.  I also moved him up to size 4 diapers.  Almost everything he wears now has to be 12 months because of the length.  He even has a few 12-18 months shirts that he wears.

And he is off!

Some of Graham's loves are bath time, his paci and getting into any cabinet or drawer he can open!  Bath time seems to be Graham's favorite time of day.  He can be fussy and so tired, but always perks up when we turn on the water for bath.  He is also still very attached to the pacifier!  Just like with Reed, I also feel attached to it.  I love for him to have something that comforts him, especially at daycare.  I need to do better about not attaching it to him all the time.  We took Reed's away right after his 1st birthday.  I just don't know if that will be happening the second time around.  For one thing Reed was a much better sleeper and didn't seem to need it in the middle of the night like Graham does.  Graham's most recent love is getting into the cabinets and pulling every drawer open he can reach.  At this age with Reed, we put magnetic locks on all of the kitchen cabinets and a few of them have come loose recently from Graham walking up to them and pulling them over and over until they break open.  Now he knows exactly which ones will open and he goes straight for them and pulling everything out that he can.  He also loves to sit in my lap while I get ready in the mornings and play with anything he can get his hands on. 

Graham's unpredictable sleeping patterns have continued.  The week before he turned 11 months was pretty bad we think because he seems to be teething his molars.  I will say this month we have had mostly 11-12 hour nights of sleep.  When Graham is at home during the week he typically still takes 2 naps, one around 9 for an hour or so and then one around 1:00 for typically 1.5 to 2 hours.  At school he taking one 2 hour nap.  He is still doing great at school and still has not shed one tear when I leave.  He seems to really like his teachers and one them he will even immediately reach for when we walk in the room.

Graham is still a great eater!  He will still try anything you give him.  His favorites are all fruits, green beans and bread.  He is eating pretty much all table food.  I have been buying those little cups of veggies and fruits and he will eat almost 2 whole ones most of the time.  The only baby food I have been buying lately is meat mixed with vegetables just to make sure he is getting some protein if we don't have any meat to give him.  Graham is still taking 5, 5 ounces bottles a day and he loves water in his sippy cup.  We found out that Graham loves yogurt melts.  It is nice to have a new snack around, because he was kind of over cheerios and  puffs.  He also really likes goldfish and ritz crackers.

Graham still isn't saying much other than Ma-ma and Da-da, but he has said bye-bye a couple of times recently.  One of the cutest things Graham has been doing lately is when someone walks into the room that he knows he will point his finger up in the air at them and smile so big. 

Graham's hair seems to get thicker, longer and curlier every day.  We also are 95% sure that his eyes are going to be brown, maybe more hazel but definitely not blue.  So Graham has my eyes and Josh's hair and Reed has my hair and Josh's eyes.  Still two very different boys! 

Graham still loves playing with all of his toys, but he doesn't really seem to have a favorite one.  He especially loves playing with Reed.  They play so well together and Reed does great making sure Graham is involved.

I just can't believe we are just days away from the 1st birthday party!  What a fun year this has been, time has definitely flown by!  We are more blessed than we could ever imagine possible!

Reed & Graham at 11 months!

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