Tuesday, September 30, 2008

First item bought for “Baby Baker”

Being the numbers person that I am I look at our bank account almost every day. One day last week I noticed a pending charge that said MLB Atlanta, I immediately knew Josh had bought something off the Internet from his favorite sports team's website. So I called him up and asked him if he was really working or just playing on the Internet spending all our money? He told me he had bought a business card holder. I thought well that is a little corny, but whatever. Then a few days later he brings home this……

How cute!! I thought it was very sweet that Josh wanted to buy something for the baby. I never dreamed he would be the first one to buy something! :) Now hopefully I can keep him from decorating the whole nursery in baseball stuff! We currently have this argument about once a week!


Lauren Purcell said...

Yeah...an update! That's too funny! Kind of like when Jason bought all of those "gender neutral" clothes at Gymboree which were in fact very obviously boy clothes...i had to put Riley in them because it was cute that he genuinely thought they were "gender neutral" but a bow was a necessity! Guys are so silly, but sweet!

Ashley Scott...Oh the Randomness said...

aww very cute!! just hope for a girl, or the boy WILL get stuck in all sports attire and decor...trust me i'm in your situation!

Tracy Purdy said...

That's SO cute! I can't wait to hear what is next on your journey!

Sydney said...

I love it!
Isn't it fun to watch Daddy (Josh) get just as excited as you? Enjoy every minute of this time together because you'll remember all the little things he did. I can't wait to see what God has in store for baby Baker!
Love you guys!

The Nelson Family said...

Very cute! He definitely has a boy on his mind! Not that girls can't be sportsfans -- they just have to be in pink with hairbows. ;) That really is sweet that he is already doing online shopping for your baby!

Heather said...

Ok girlfriend...speaking of pregnancy brain...it kind of continues after you have a baby too. Just so you know. I kind of remember you telling me that you had a blog, but wasn't sure. Thanks to my live traffic feed on my blog, I was able to see that you recently visited mine.
I am so excited for you and Josh. And to think you were in our very first small group that we joined and you were so newly wed! We love you and will be praying for you.
By the way, you have to see the 'fatheads' that Luke bought for Cole's room. He balanced it out by buying a Cinderella fathead for Sydney.