So we are able to make a 5 pm appointment. We get there and a very sweet, petite female doctor walks in, barely looks at Reed and says, "He has RSV!" What?? How, could he have gone from having a minor cough to RSV in 24 hours. The doctor the day before and all 3 nurses NEVER even mentioned a concern of RSV. Every mother would have remembered those 3 letters getting mentioned! She of course had the test ran just to confirm and it was positive. She looked at me and said you did the right thing by bringing him in. Thank goodness we did! Next, she looked at his ears and said both of them were infected. At this point I was freaking out, what the heck is happening to my baby. Then, she has the nurse check his pulse ox and it is 93. So my Mom's machine was right and the nurse says, "Oh that is not good!" Great, now I am scared to death. The doctor comes back in and let us know that he is a VERY sick little boy. She tells us that she doesn't feel he needs to be admitted to the hospital at this time, but he is very close to needing to be. Yikes, this is worse than I ever imagined! We did another breathing treatment in the office and this time Reed just laid there. He was feeling so bad he couldn't fight! We had to purchase a breathing machine so we could continue doing breathing treatments every 2-3 hours during the night. The doctor told us to watch him very closely through the night and if felt he was getting worse at all to take him to Children's. She said she wanted to see him back in the morning to make sure he was doing better. Tuesday night was very scary but a little better than I expected. We sat Reed in his carseat to sleep in our room. We was able to breath a lot easier sitting up. Every 2 1/2 hours during the night Reed woke up having coughing fits. At these times we would get up and do a breathing treatment on him while he slept. He never really woke up or cried during the night he was just coughing so hard it scared us to death. By morning Reed was breathing a little easier but definitely not acting like himself. We took him back to the doctor and the doctor said he still sounded awful but he could tell that he was on the upside of things and that the breathing treatments were helping. He told us to do them every 4 hours until Sunday. Reed still wasn't able or wanting to drink much milk but we did get about 2 out of his 5 bottles down him on Wednesday. Slowly, day by day Reed got to feeling better. We elevated his bed and he was able to sleep in his bed. By Saturday he was taking all 5 of his bottles again but still no solid foods.
The cough continued the week of Christmas. On Christmas Eve morning, he woke up crying and was wheezing pretty bad again. We had to do another breathing treatment and he slept sitting up in our bed that morning. The same thing happen Christmas morning and for the next two days. We decided this past Monday to take him back to the doctor again just to make sure he was really getting better. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't turning into pneumonia and have his ears checked out. He had been pulling on them a little more than normal. The doctor said that he sounded great and that his ears were looking much better just a little fluid left.
Through all this horrible sickness Reed as been a little trooper! He seriously has not cried and fussed hardly at all. After a couple of days of being very lethargic he has been back to normal as far as personality is concerned. He still is not eating much. Since the 15th he has only finished his morning yogurt once or twice and he has only had 3 or 4 whole jars of food at one sitting. We are used to him eating yogurt for breakfast and then 3 or 4 cubes (1 1/2 to 2 jars) of food for lunch and the same for dinner. The only real change has been that Reed has decided that he likes to be rocked/held while he goes to sleep now. He got use to being held while he was sick and now he doesn't like to just be laid down for naps and bedtime. Part of this is also contributed to Reed being able to sit up from a laying position now (more on that later). Anyway, for now I am eating it up! There is nothing like rocking my baby to sleep. He is just so sweet when he is sleepy. He just cuddles with his blanket and usually falls right to sleep, most of the time just a little bouncy on the couch and he is out.
Well, now on to the other first I alluded to in the title. Reed has had more first in the last two weeks than any other two weeks his whole life. The first one being his firth tooth! When we went to the doctor the first time, on December 14th the doctor put the tongue depressor in Reed's mouth to look down his throat and he said, "I see your little tooth poking through!" I screamed in the doctor's face, "You do!" I know he thought I was crazy. Sure enough I stuck my finger in his mouth (probably not the best idea in front of a doctor, but I didn't think about it until it was too late) and felt a little razor sharp point. We did our best to capture a few pictures once Reed started feeling better. For the last few days we have been noticing his other front tooth right under the gums and today I am pretty sure I felt a second sharp point. He doesn't like us to try to feel, but I am almost positive I did. So Reed has 2 teeth to ring in the new year with!
Can you see the little white speck?
I mentioned that Reed is sitting up from a laying position. This has been a gradual first. I took these pictures on December 5th of Reed pulling on his bumpers trying to sit up and got himself over on his stomach for the first time in his bed.
Then Josh's Mom sent me this picture on December 7th, saying, "Look Mom I sat up by myself after my nap!"
Then two days later my Mom took pictures of him sitting up, hutch over with his head on his knees sleeping. Saturday morning before we left for Kaleb's birthday party we lower the crib to the middle level and then that night he pulled up and was leaning half out of the crib reaching for his Christmas tree in his room. Needless to say we had to lower his crib to the floor that night at 9 pm so we could put him to bed. Then the next week while Reed was sick he perfected the sitting up in the crib and on the floor (no more crunches, like on his 7 month post). We took this picture before the crib got lowered to the floor. We should have known better than to think he wouldn't pull up like this at bedtime. Reed is starting to pull up on things that aren't far above him but he still can't pull up on higher things.
Next 1st, (I told you, Reed has been VERY busy lately) Reed started clapping on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve afternoon we were just hanging out with Amy and Branden they were both home for the holidays and ended up at our house, probably to see Reed more than us, but anyway we were just having a lazy afternoon. Amy was watching Reed play on the floor from the couch and I was walking through the house as I looked over and saw Reed clap his hands together. Amy had said, "Yeah" and Reed just started clapping. Amy didn't realize that he hadn't clapped before until I started saying did he just clap! From that point forward he clapped non-stop all day! I must say it is the most precious thing EVER!! All day on Christmas he would do one little thing and then stop and clap. Now all we have to say is yeah and he starts clapping. I love it!!
Finally, Reed is crawling!!! This also has been very gradual, but has of today, Reed is crawling more than sitting still! Josh and I know that our whole world as parents is about to change! For some time now Reed has been leaning forward trying to figure out how to get his knees underneath him. He as always hated being on his stomach so as soon as he would get in somewhat of a crawling position he would turn over.
Here he is rocking on his knees. These pictures were taken on December 23rd.
Our little boy is growing up to fast! He has changed so much in the last couple of weeks. He is becoming a little boy to quick. On top of all the mobility he is babbling up a storm. He added bye-bye this week. He says Da-da and Ma-ma all the time and now he has started with the "b" sounds.
All I can say is we love him to pieces!! It gets better every day!! He is the joy of our life!
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