At 8 months Reed is.....
- Rolling over and over to get places and get what he wants. Still not crawling, mainly because he hates being on his stomach.
- Still no teeth
- Babbling so much more and only he knows what he is talking about
- Finally saying Da-da again at least every once in a while. He had stopped saying it for over a month.
- Said Ma-ma for the first time on November 13th, he says it all the time is the BEST!!
- Much more aware of what is going on....if he sees something he wants you can't try to hide it from him, he will try to go where you put it
- Tried green beans, asparagus, carrots and squash for the first time. He liked everything except for asparagus. He hated it! I keep trying but he has hated it every time so far.
- Eating 5 bottles a day at 7, 11, 2, 5 and 8ish. He has yogurt after his morning bottle and solid foods, normally 2 to 3 cubes, after his 11 and 5 bottles.
- Loves mum mums and puffs. Doing great get puffs in his mouth.
- This is a funny fact about Reed.....he loves playing with toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes. Josh's Mom works at a dentist office so we had a baby toothbrush that Reed as always loved chewing on and now he has three different brushes he chews on. He started liking toothpaste tubes when he would hang out in the bathroom with us while we were getting ready. We handed him one to play with one time and now he goes crazy to get them when he sees the toothpaste tube.
- Loves anything shiny, like silver measuring spoons or my mom's watch
- Reed will run over you in his walker. He is so fast! He now knows how to run and then coast and bang into things.
- He can jump to the moon in his jumperoo. He goes crazy in it.
- Gives five when you ask for one and stick out your hand.
- Loves tapping and banging on hard surfaces
- Started giving hugs
- Waved bye-bye to my Mom on November 17th but hasn't really done it that well again. He really thinks about it though when he sees us doing and saying it
- Still taking 3 naps a day, but I think he may be transitioning to only 2 naps.
- Still doesn't liked to be rocked. We just lay him down when he gets tired and he gets himself to sleep. Normally doesn't make a peep, sometimes he will talk himself to sleep.
- Still going to bed around 8 and sleeping great. Lately he has been sleeping past 7, usually around 7:20, but yesterday (12/8) it was 7:50
- Not waking up at all during the night, no more paci runs
- Wearing 6-9 month clothes, but they are just fitting, we will be moving up sizes soon
- Wearing size 2-3 diapers
- Will play in the floor for 30 minutes or more just playing with his toys by himself.
This is our attempt to capture some pictures of Reed in front of his Christmas tree. We gave him the letter to try to distract from the tree.
It didn't last long....
He got it!
We never got a good picture with the whole tree, but here it is.
He seriously just gets cuter and cuter! Love that smile and those big eyes! His card was precious. Thank you! I know you guys had a blast this Christmas. Can't wait to hear all about it.
He is simply adorable!!!
Love the picture with the teddy :)
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