Saturday, December 24, 2011

Breakfast with Santa

Last year we had such a great time going to Breakfast with Santa, I was so sad when I realized while I was still pregnant that this year the event was the weekend after my scheduled c-section. I kept it in the back of my mind and held out hope that we could still possibly go. I know, I know a 5 day old out in public, especially around a million other kids, but I was determined for Graham to be able to meet Santa this year! Children's Hospital puts on the event every year and it is very popular, but lots of fun with crafts for the kids, fire trucks parked out front and of course Santa himself!

So after we got home from the hospital on Wednesday, I started asking Josh if he would be willing to let us go! We had our plan, we would try to get there as early as possible and keep Graham in his carseat covered up and have someone else stand in the Santa line for us. I am happy to say that everything worked out perfectly! We were running about 15 minutes late so my Mom got there and stood in line and when we got there we sat down and ate breakfast with Reed and shortly after it was our turn to see Santa. Reed was so excited and couldn't wait to ask Santa for a helmet. That has been his request every time you ask him what he wants Santa to bring him, a Razorback Helmet.

So getting up early and getting 2 kiddos ready and out of the house by 8:15 was ALL worth it for this picture! I was so excited that we got such a good picture! So even though Graham didn't wake up to see Santa we will always get to tell him that he was 5 days old the first time he sat on Santa's lap.

We also tried hard to get a family picture and this is the best we got, not so good!

But this picture of all of us turn out great, thanks for all your help Gigi, Aunt Amy, Gran and Grandad!

After all the fun inside we moved outside to let Reed see the fire truck.

Then he wanted to sit in Santa's sleigh, he loved the reindeer! He has a little obsession with "Bucks" because of all the deer hunting Josh did this year. So to him reindeer are bucks!

Reed and Daddy being silly!

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