Saturday, December 24, 2011

Gingerbread Train

This year I really tried to focus on starting our own family traditions. I felt like this was the first year that Reed would be able to really participate, so first up a gingerbread house. However, when I saw this gingerbread train I knew this was more up Reed's alley.

Cutting the pieces and preparing them to be glued frosted together. I saw on a blog the day I bought this a family that had hot glued their gingerbread glad I saw that trick, it saved us a ton of time drying and a big mess of icing!

All ready to be decorated

In true Reed fashion WAY more candy went in his mouth then on the train! All we could do was laugh! He kept saying just "one more piece!" We hear that a lot when it comes to candy! :)

Oh why not, a little icing too!

Graham hung out in my lap while we decorated!

Eating MORE candy!

And more icing!

No, not the train! He was really going to eat it....crazy boy!

This is the "just one more piece" face!

The finished product! Reed continued to sneak pieces of candy off the train until we got rid of it!

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