Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Graham's First Day

So once we had a little family time, just the 4 of us, everyone else headed back to the room. My sister made this adorable wreath to welcome everyone!

Aunt Amy & Gran holding Graham for the first time!
Gigi's turnand Uncle BrandenHe was just so precious and everyone agreed he looked so different from Reed when he was bornI stared at his little face as much as I could, you just forget how amazing it is! One second they are in your stomach and the next second they are in your arms! How does anyone not believe in God?Seeing all his hair up close for the first time, we just thought Reed had a lot! I am a believer that heartburn means hair! :) I had it so bad this pregnancy!We decided to uncover him and see all his little parts, probably not the best idea! A nurse came in shortly after to take his tempature and it was to low so I had to do skin to skin with him to warm him up! Oops, we learned our lesson!
He was SO PERFECT! The longest little fingers and toes and a cute little nose and lips! Big Brother taking a look at Baby GrahamShortly after delivery the spinal I had received started wearing off and we were moved to another room. By this time it was just the 3 of us. Reed had gotten up very early so my Mom and sister took him to school so he could have a nap and play with his friends for a while and everyone else left for a little while to go get lunch. Shortly after everyone left I started getting sick. Every time I moved it seemed like I would get sick. I also started itching like crazy! The morphine in the spinal makes me itch when it starts wearing off. I think I am allergic to it, because even after receiving a shot of benadryl I was still itching like crazy and it lasted until about 4 am the next day. Needless to say I was very uncomfortable! By late afternoon, and several gown and blanket changes later I was feeling better and able to eat. Daddy changing the first diaper!Harry was nice enough to bring us lunch and Sherlyn, Joy & Kristie came to visit too. Unfortunately they got to watch me itch like I was a crazy person and when I sat up to hand Graham to Harry I got sick! Later the Barnards came by to visit! Some how we only ended up with a picture of Ashley, but Bryan, Deacon and even Baby Finley were there!After school Big Brother came back and he couldn't wait to give Baby Graham some more hugs & kisses!Then he announced to the room and Baby Graham that he was going to read him a book! He wanted to sit with Baby Graham ALL. BY. HIMSELF!Gigi had gotten Reed the coolest Truck book and he wanted to read it to Graham and that he did! It was so sweet!My 3 boys! Love them to pieces! Aunt Amy came back!and Gran!Look at the hair! Graham was born with a little mullet! He has hair about 1/2 inch over his ears and it hangs over his shirt in the back! Reed lost all his, so I am enjoying every inch of it for now and hoping he doesn't lose it all!Papaw also came back to visit! We are blessed to have all of our immediate family here and such amazing friends to love on us during this special time!

1 comment:

The Nelson Family said...

He is so beautiful! And he has so much hair!!! Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys! What a perfect addition to your family!