Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Graham is 3 Months Old

3 Months have come and gone so quickly! Graham is such a happy, laid back little boy! We couldn't love him more!

He is still our little guy! At his 2 month doctor's visit (which he was really 10 1/2 weeks) he weighed 11 pounds 15 ounces (40%) and was 23 1/2 inches long (56%). His head was 15.75 (37%). Reed was 14.5 and 23 1/2 long at 2 months and 15.9 at 3 months. We were so used to Reed being so big that we are constantly saying how little Graham is. I love it!! He is still such a baby to me! I could just eat him up!This morning I knew I needed to go into work for a little while so after Graham's morning nap and after he had eaten I decided to take his pictures before we headed out. I always hope for the perfect picture and biggest smiles, but Graham just really wasn't into the photo shoot. Most of the pictures were like this one. Adorable, yes, but I knew he had some bigger smiles in him.

After we got home, Graham was ready to show his big smile! So I changed him back into his shirt, after getting a few smiley pictures! :)

Graham is getting more and more vocal every day and has even laughed a few times. He is so ticklish and this is usually what gets him to laugh.
He really is happy 95% of the day! The only time he is fussy is when he is hungry and he is drama when he wants to eat. He has the highest, high pitch scream! :) He is also no longer burping in the middle of eating and if I try to burp him, he freaks out and the scream begins. Josh and I just laugh at him because the face he makes is priceless, like the world is coming to an end and he hasn't eaten in months. He has started rolling over to his side and a couple of times all the way over. He did it for the first time 2/23/12. He had woken up in the middle of a nap and wanted his pacifier back and he got worked up enough that he turned over. Lately, Graham has been sleeping right at 7 hours at night. He goes down between 8 and 9 and I am normally up with him between 3:30 and 4:30. A few nights he has gone longer, I think our longest stretch has been 9 1/2. However, every night we are up at least once putting the pacifier in, usually around 4 hours after he goes down. I know this phase won't last forever, so I am not stressing over it. He usually wakes up again between 6 and 7 to eat again. He normally takes a good morning nap before eating again around 11 or 12. He is still taking great naps, just not really on a schedule. Every day is still pretty different. But he normally eats every 3 hours. Up until last weekend, Graham really hadn't had any periods of cluster feeding, but this weekend he wanted to eat every 2 hours during the day and was sleeping a lot. I think we may be going through a little growth spurt. Graham has really started watching Reed. If he sees him across the room, he will just start smiling! Reed loves him too and always wants to be as close as possible. They really are so sweet together already! He has also found Gracie and loves to smile and follow her too. He definitely knows his family, we all get the biggest smiles out of him!

He has started blowing raspberries and makes the funniest face when he does it! The drooling has really increased too, as you can see below! Getting so close to grabbing toys and he likes laying on the play mat and sits great in his bouncy seat and bumbo for quite a while. He has started losing his hair! :( So sad! I kind of knew it was going happen, but I hoping it might not. It hung on a little longer than Reed's did and he still has quite a bit. Hopefully he won't lose all the back hair and keep the hair on top, he might look a little funny! Ha!

Starting to wear more 3 to 6 month clothes, but he can still easily fit into 0-3. He is wearing size 2 diapers. His favorite time of day is still bath time! He is in constant motion most of the day kicking his legs and moving his arms, but when he gets in his bath he goes into overdrive kicking, smiling and talking! We are so blessed by this little guy!

Click here to see Reed's 3 month post! It makes me so sad, because I feel like I can barely remember him at this age!

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