Monday, April 30, 2012

Church Easter Egg Hunt

The Saturday before Easter our church had an Easter picnic and Easter Egg hunt.  As always it was lots of fun and we all had a great time!

As soon as we got there Reed and Deacon found Mr. Harry and started acting silly! 

 Lined up and ready for the hunt to begin.  They had areas divided by age group and there were tons of eggs! 

Let the hunting begin!  Reed really got it this year!  Last year he was only worried about the candy inside, but this year he knew exactly what to do and had his basket full in no time.

Showing off his very full basket! 

Sharing an egg with brother!

Very Proud!  Can you tell he had fun?!

Next, it was time to eat and Chick-Fil-A was catered...yummy!  Nothing better than chicken nuggets by the lake with family!

The Chick-Fil-A cow even made a visit!

Reed loved hanging out with Uncle B!  It had been several months since we had seen him because he moved to Missouri for work.

Look who just pulled up?!  The Easter Bunny, as all the kiddos went running!

Reed told the Easter bunny he wanted candy!  Imagine that?

It took us a while to get Graham distracted off of big cute!

First meeting with the Easter Bunny!

Graham quickly decided he would rather chew on the Easter Bunny! 

Me & my Boys!

The whole gang (minus Josh & Amy).  Josh had to work and Amy had already left.

We had a great morning, the weather was beautiful and it was a great start to the weekend!  After the picnic we quickly hurried home to get ready for Reed's  family birthday party!

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