Saturday, April 28, 2012

Graham is 5 Months!

Graham is 5 months old! He just gets sweeter every day!

It's so hard to believe this sweet face has been in our lives 5 months!  I never got around to posting his 4 month stats from his check-up.  On 4/16/12 he weighed 13.13 (17%) and was 24.25 inches long (49%).  I had to put Graham in the same outfit again that Reed wore on his 5 month birthday.  I can't help but compare my two completely opposite boys!
Graham is happy ALL day!  He is still so easy.  He takes great naps, normally 1.5 to 3 hours.  One in the morning around 8:30 or 9 and then again around 12:30 or 1.  Then he will normally cat nap in the afternoon.  He started grabbing his feet on 3/31, first in his car seat and now all the time!  I love this stage!

Week 20 was a big week for Graham!  He dropped his 4 to 5 am feeding (which makes mommy very happy) and he really started grabbing toys good.  It's hard to describe, but you could just see it in his face that he was concentrating more and really grabbing at something he wanted.  Everything he gets a hold to goes straight to his mouth. 
Sleep is getting better!  Since dropping the morning feeding he is still waking up once a night for the pacifier, but he has made it until 6 a couple of times (9 to 10 hours).  Usually he is waking around 3 or 4 for it, but not eating until 7ish now!  Bad nights he is waking up around 1 to 2 and again at 3 or 4, but that has only happened a couple of times in the last couple of weeks.  I think we are finally there! :)

Mr. Graham is now a rolly polly.  On April 1st, while we were at church small group, Graham rolled over for the first time.  He had been so close for a while!  I laid him down on a playmat and walked away for a while and when I went to check on him he was all the way over on his stomach and since that day he has been rolling non-stop.  He now rolls over and over across the room along with spinning in circles.  He is also starting to pull his knees under him and he will kick and bounce forward. 
He has done great with eating cereal all month and today was the third day he has had bananas, his first real food.  The first bite you could tell he knew it was something different, but since then he has eaten it like no big deal.  I normally feed him his food around 6:30, in between his night time feedings.  During the days I am at work, Graham gets a 6 ounce bottle in the mornings and a 5 oz bottle in the afternoons.  I am trying to make sure he gets all he will possibly eat, so he can start putting on some weight.  His Grandmas also tell me that he is really starting to hold the bottle by himself.   
Slobbering like crazy!  I have had to break out the bibs!  I never really did with Reed, but with Graham if you don't he will soak his outfits in a matter of minutes.  Most of the time we just have to keep the pacifier in his mouth, so the fingers won't be and the slobber stays to a minimum.  Finally starting to get control over the paci, being able to take it in and out more and more.  Just waiting for him to be able to find it in his bed at night!

As you can see, Graham's hair is continuing to go away! It gets crazier and thinner every day!  I have come to terms with the fact it is time to cut it! It is just to wild!  The top and sides are literally almost 2 inches long!  I don't know why, but I am attached to it!  I have always said if my child had weird hair I would cut it, but I find it SO hard to cut his hair.  I really want to leave it, just to see what it turns into, but I know he will continue to lose it.  I really don't think he will ever be completely bald though!

Graham is starting to recognize people he knows!  Especially his Mommy....which makes me so happy!  He gets so excited when he sees me!  He also recognizes his Daddy, Reed and his Grandmas that watch him every week.
 We have also discovered lately, that Graham loves himself!  If you walk in front of a mirror with him, he gets so excited!  He will stand there and laugh and smile at himself forever.  He loves bath time!  Still wearing a size 2 diaper and 3-6 month clothes.
Still a big snuggle bug!  Loves to be held laying on your chest and still sleeping on his stomach.  Just in the last couple of days his afternoon naps have been a little tough to get him to sleep.  We know he is tired but he just won't get still.  Last night for bedtime and for his afternoon nap and bedtime tonight I have just had to lay him down in his bed awake.  I have had to go back in there and put the pacifier in once, but other than that he goes right to sleep by himself.  We will see if this continues.  He is definitely getting more busy, playing with toys, wanting to be held and very aware that you are in the room and wanting attention. 
Learning to sit up, getting stronger every day!  I have started setting him in the boppy and he is doing really well for several minutes at a time.  Graham is also finding his voice.  He loves to squeal and is starting to make more babbling noises.  He also LOVES his big brother, Reed can always make him smile, even when he is being to rough or laying on top of him!
Graham we adore you little buddy!  I think I say 100 times a day, "He is just so cute!"  My favorite time of day is hearing you wake up and start making your blowing noises and seeing you playing with your feet on the monitor.  Then when I go to get you and you greet me with the biggest smile and squeal that makes my day!  We are so blessed by you!!

Reed at 5 months!  Did I mention they are totally opposite? 

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