Sunday, April 8, 2012

Reed is 3!!

We have had a super busy weekend celebrating Reed's birthday with family, along with cramming in lots of Easter fun. More on our crazy weekend soon, but first I want to wish my first baby boy a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

How did this little baby

become this big boy!


Your Daddy and I love you more than you can imagine! I just can't believe you are 3 years old! You are growing up before our eyes, getting smarter, funnier and more handsome every day. Your personality is infectious and you don't miss a beat! We say every day how grown up you are becoming! You make us laugh every day with the funny things you say and next minute we are pulling our hair out because you are testing the limits to see what you can get away with. You are definitely all boy! Your favorites right now are riding your four wheeler, playing with anything that makes noise and t-ball! You love school and your friends. You are becoming super opinionated about what you wear, how things should go and what you want to do. You love chicken nuggets, juice, candy and your blanket. You normally play rough, but you have a very soft side too. You give the best hugs and you hate it when someone is sad. You have been a big brother for four months now and what an amazing big brother you have been. Graham is so lucky to have such a great big brother to look up too. I can't wait to watch the relationship between the two of you grow. Our lives changed forever on 4/9/09 and God blessed us beyond our imagination with the most precious gift. We can't wait to see what God has in store for your life! Reed Allen Baker no matter what Mommy and Daddy will always be your biggest fans!




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