Thursday, June 28, 2012

Graham is 7 Months

 I wish we could just freeze time!  I can't believe my baby is already 7 months old!  I know I am obviously very bias, but Graham is such a great baby!  Almost perfect now that he is sleeping through the night!!!

This was a great month!  Graham is just getting so big and growing so fast.  He is sleeping better, sitting up, almost crawling, eating great and happy all the time! 
Now that he is eating more baby food he seems to have put on a lot of weight, he is finally getting chubby! He didn't have his 6 month check-up until 6/19/12 and he weighed 16 lbs 12 1/2 oz (25%), 28 in long (85%) adn his head was 17.25 (40%).  We have a long and skinny little man.
At the check-up I was talking to the doctor about being concerned that he wasn't sitting up yet and he said he would probably just be one of those kiddos that just decides to sit up one day and literally the next day he just starting sitting up!

He is also almost crawling!  On 6/5/12 Josh had come home from work at noon and we were both sitting in the room while he was on the floor and he just pushed himself up on his knees.  We couldn't believe it!  Within a couple of days he was rocking back and forth and now he is starting to take movements forward.  He is still trying to get his arms and legs moving right, but it won't be long!

As you can see in almost every picture Graham constantly has his mouth wide open smiling and happy.  He is to sweet for words!  His latest thing is screaming!  He has literally scared me to death thinking something is wrong and he is just squealing with excitement.

Since Josh's birthday 6/4/12 Graham has not woke until 3:30 or later for his pacifier and many night has made it until between 5 and 6.  Sometimes he is up for the day as early as 6, but most mornings it is 7 to 7:30.  I didn't think he would ever sleep!  It has been wonderful!  He is also still taking great naps.  Normally 1-2 hours in the morning and mid-afternoon and then a shorter nap between 3 and 5. 

Loves his toys! He will sit and play forever it seems like.  He also loves his jumperoo and can make it go crazy now and he still loves the walker but is still mainly only going backwards.  We have seen a couple of pushes forward but not many.  Today Reed and Graham even played together in Reed's room for about 15 minutes.  Of course I checked on them about 15 times, but they both just played and was super sweet!

Starting to wear some 6-9 month clothes, but still mainly 3-6.  It has been great, because I have been able to use all of Reed's clothes and had to buy very little.  He is finally starting to grow out of his cute shoe sock, so we have moved to wearing more shoes.   
I finally feel like we have a schedule.  He wakes between 6 and 7 and still nurses in the mornings.  Then between 8 and 9 he has breakfast which is usally yogart and sometimes fruit and cereal.  Between 10:30 and 11:30 he has a 5 oz bottle and then eats 4 oz of baby food.  Usually avocados and fruit.  Around 2 to 3 he has another 5 oz bottle.  Usually one of his bottles during the day we struggle to get him to drink it all.  He really just prefers food over milk, even with it still being breastmilk.  He has another 5oz around 5 to 6 and dinner witch is usually 4 oz of vegetables.  He still hasn't turned down anything!  Tonight he tried potatoes for the first time and a couple of days ago he had a couple of very small bites of pancakes.  He was whining so bad watching me and Reed eat I just couldn't help it! :)  At bedtime we always try to get another 5 oz down him, but sometimes he falls asleep with as little as 3 oz. 
Right before Graham turned 6 months he started putting up a fight when I would try to nurse him during the day, it literally happened over night and broke my heart.  After a few days of misery for us both, I started exclusively pumping and did that for 2 weeks and then started nursing only in mornings and pumping the rest of the day.  It's not easy, but I am getting in a routine and only losing a couple of ounces a day over what he eats.  When he stopped nursing I had a freezer full of 670 ounces of milk, so I am going to try and make it as long as I can before we start formula. 

Started picking up puffs.  He his still working on the pincher grasp, but about 50% of the time he gets them in his mouth.  I also gave him a mum-mum for the first time last week and he loved it!

Still slobbering like crazy, but still no teeth!  As you can tell Graham already needs another haircut, he has the craziest, curly hair but it just fits his cute, happy personality.  He is also starting to reach out more and more for who he wants to be held by.
Graham still loves being on his stomach and his still the best snuggler ever!  I eat up the morning and night time snuggles EVERY day!
And as you can see these brothers are becoming best friends!  I think I could stare at these pictures forever!  Reed asked to take a picture with Graham and he hopped up in the chair and just put his arm around him all by himself and gave me the cutest smile and if you know Reed, normally it is a crazy cheesy smile (and he insisted the bear/dog and his blanket be in the picture). 

My heart is so full seeing them together, we are SO BLESSED!  I can't remember what was so funny, but this might be my favorite picture of them so far.  Just a precious moment with my boys! 

Reed at 7 months!  They are still very different, but lately I catch myself seeing a lot of Reed in Graham!  They both have an infectious smile that's for sure!

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