Monday, May 28, 2012

Graham is 6 months old!

My baby boy is 6 months old!  I just can't believe we are half way to Graham's 1st birthday!  This little guy makes my heart melt on a daily basis!  He is just SO sweet!  6 months have come and gone so fast, I just can't imagine life without him!
Graham is still wearing 3-6 month clothes, size 2 diapers and he doesn't wear shoes much but size 2 fit.  Compared to Reed, Graham has such little, skinny feet.

Still not a great sleeper, he normally makes it until 4 or 5 am for the paci and then wakes between 6:30 and 7:30.  Going to bed between 7:30 and 8.  Still takes good naps, but has had some days lately where he has mainly just cat napped.  Usually has a long morning nap and then 1 or maybe 2 shorter naps in the afternoon.  Most nights when Graham wakes up for the pacifier we let him fuss for 15 to 20 minutes and a few times lately he has put himself back to sleep, I wish this were the case every night.
Graham LOVES to eat!  He has now had sweet potatoes, avocado, bananas, pears, peaches, peas, carrots, apples, mangos, papaya, nectarines and apricots.  He has not turned away anything!  I added lunch after the 11 o'clock feeding last week and today he had yogurt for breakfast for the first time.  Lately I feel like he is never satisfied, I think the 6 month growth spurt is in full swing! We can't even eat in front of him or he is constantly whining for our food.

Still the best snuggler and loves sleeping on his stomach.  He will just lay forever flat on our chest when he is tired.  I LOVE it and can't get enough!   
Teething like crazy!  You can see his two bottom teeth through the gums!  He even had a low grade fever tonight. 

Perfected putting the pacifier back in his mouth in the last couple of weeks.  He has also mastered spitting it out when he sees something he wants!   

Do you see those eyelashes?  Graham still has blue eyes, but some days I would swear they are green or brown.  Most days I vote that they are going to turn brown, but these pictures really made them look blue, so who knows.   

Still not sitting up great without support, he would rather just roll around.  I try to sit him up in the boppy pillow as much as I can, but he will lean back and literally roll out over the top of it.  He can roll across the room in no time.  He knows how to get to what he wants.   

I love this sweet profile!  Graham's hair is really starting to fill back in.  He had his first hair cut on 5/9/12 (pictures to come).  We just had the sides and the top trimmed, but I already fill like it has grown quite a bit. 

Constantly chewing and slobbering on everything!  Everything goes straight for the mouth!
Do you see the drool?

Talking and squealing more and more every day!  Graham said Da-da for the first time on 5/26/12.  He had been saying "Da" a lot, but Saturday morning while Josh was getting him dressed he started saying it.  Josh yelled at me to come in there and Reed and I ran in there.  It was a sweet moment for us all to be there together as he said "Da-da" a couple of times, but of course not when I turned the video camera on.

I bought a walker a couple of weeks ago and Graham loves it.  He loves sitting up to play!  He can't quite push it forward, but he pushes it backwards very easily.  He  loves the jumperoo, he is really starting to jump and turn around in it and play for quite a while. He also loves playing peek-a-boo and any toys he can slobber on for a while!

Loving drinking water from a sippy cup!  It took him a while to figure it out and for a week or so he would spit out most of the water, but he is getting better and better at it every day.  He has also perfected holding his own bottle I hadn't seen him drink from a bottle in several months until last weekend and I was shocked how well he could hold it.

Interacting more and more every day with Reed.  Reed can still make him laugh harder than anyone.  Reed still loves him to death, makes my heart so happy!

Had his first plane ride and did perfect, it never even phased him!  I had to travel for work and couldn't bear to leave him so the best Aunt in the world traveled with us to baby sit! :)

Starting to reach for me and will lean towards you when you reach for him!  It is the BEST! 

So big!

Okay, I promise just one more!  I can never get enough of this smile!

 Graham you have filled a space in my heart I didn't know I had! We love you so much, little brother! I wish I could freeze time and snuggle you forever!

Reed at 6 months!  They are pretty much opposite in every way, I seriously can barely remember Reed at this age, makes me so sad!

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