Sunday, July 29, 2012

Graham is 8 Months Old!

This cutie pie is 8 months old and getting so big!  He is keeping us on our toes for sure! 
As you can see from these pictures Graham is not still for more than a minute!  He has been crawling good for about 3 weeks and gets faster every day.  He loves everything he can't have from Gracie's bed to her water bowl. The other day I even went to check on him and he had crawled into Reed's room and was getting into his toys!  It's a new world for sure! :) 
I thought for sure we would have a tooth by now, but still no teeth!  We have had lots of crying out in the middle of the night, to the point we weren't sure if it was teething or an ear infection, so I finally took him to the doctor last Monday and he checked out perfect and weighed 18 lbs and 12 ounces.  The middle of the night crying has been tough because he now pulls up in his crib and doesn't easily just roll over to find a paci and go back to sleep.  We are working to stop the middle of the night rocking and early morning snuggles before it is time to eat.

Graham is still normally going to bed around 7:30 to 8 and lately has been waking between 6 and 6:30.  I think he will always be an early riser.  He nurses in the morning when he wakes up and then has breast milk bottles around 11, 2, 5 and bedtime.  Graham is still taking 3 naps a day, usually around 8:30 in the morning for an hour or so and then again usualy around noon and 3, but every day with naps can be different.

Still has either yogurt or cereal and fruit for breakfast and a few mornings he has had toast or small bites of pancakes as well.  For lunch and dinner I moved up to 5 cubes of homemade baby food or 5 ounces.  He usually has avocado and fruit for lunch and vegetables for dinner.  Graham still loves everything and has yet to not eat anything we have given him.  He also LOVES puffs and mum-mums, I feel like we go through a ton of them because big brother loves them too.  He has gotten so good at getting most of them in his mouth, but still gets so messy eating them.

Babbling more and more every day, saying ma-ma and da-da a lot.  He says ma-ma-ma when he is tired and da-da-da when he is happy and playing.  He loves to squeal and scream especially in public to get every one's attention.

I am back in the office pretty much full time now and we have a baby-sitter staying with Graham two days and week and the other days he is still with Gigi or Gran.  I even spent my first 2 1/2 days away for a business trip.  It was very hard, but Daddy held down the house and Graham was so happy to see me he burst into tears and his bottom lip just quivered for about 5 minutes.  It was the saddest thing ever, it was like he thought I was never coming back. 
Graham is also starting to pull up on anything he can.  The easiest for him right now is in his crib, but he also pulls up on the ottoman and the learning table I just got out of the attic last week.  Yesterday he had one hand on the couch and one on the ottoman and pulled right up.  It just amazes me, he just seems to little to be so mobile. 

We finally got the highchair down this month, up until now we have just been using the bumbo chair for everything.  Graham is sitting up like a big boy every where now in restaurants and shopping carts.

Graham has loved being at the pool this summer!  He is so laid back and will just relax and hang out while we swim around.  Overall Graham is very laid back and just goes with the flow.  If we are out late he will always stay awake to make sure he doesn't miss anything and then he crashes and will normally sleep in the next morning.
Graham has also started waving!  It is so cute, he holds his little hands up and folds his fingers down facing towards him.  He has only done it a couple of times when we do it to him, but you can always tell he is thinking about it when we wave.
Daddy and Reed have given Graham the nickname "Grammy" and all of us call him Gram-o a lot.  He definitely knows his name.   
And this photo shoot is over....lately this has been our view of Graham!  

Reed at 8 months!  Still so different to me!

1 comment:

The Nelson Family said...

He is precious! And what a great head of hair! Love the alphabet wall art too!