Sunday, January 29, 2012

Projects with Daddy

Lately Reed and Daddy have been doing some fun projects together! A couple of weekends ago Josh thought it would be fun to put up a squirrel feeder in the back yard. Something they could build together and then enjoy watching the squirrels out the window.

Josh and Reed gathered up the scrap wood they needed out of the garage and put the feeder together. Then it was time to paint! We have TONS of paint samples (due to me taking 4 to 5 options every time we pick out a paint color). Reed picked out green and blue! We laid down some plastic in the kitchen and Reed and Daddy went to town painting. The idea was for half of the feeder to be blue and half to be green, but had you will see Reed had a different idea and enjoyed painting a little to much! I think it turned out great! Now if we could just get some squirrels to come eat the corn, maybe eventually! :)The next project, was painting and assembling this little car Reed got from Gigi for Christmas! This is a Melissa and Doug set that comes with the paint, brush, glue and all the car pieces. Reed loved it! He loves painting as you can see, unfortunately we don't do it much because it is so messy!
He was really in to it and so serious the whole time he was painting!

Daddy helped very little, just there to supervise!

Once the "colorful" car dried, Daddy glued the wheels on!The finished product! Reed loves this little car and carries it around every where! Thanks Gigi for the great gift! :)

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