Thursday, April 9, 2009

Baby Reed is on his way.....

3:05 p.m.

Andrea's new position. Reed has moved back down and the nurse is hoping this new position will keep him down.
Andrea and my brother, Branden

Andrea and Lauren

2:50 p.m.

The nurse checked Andrea a few minutes ago, she has progessed to a 4 and 80% efface. Reed has moved back down... that's encouraging! Andrea's contactions are starting to pick up intensity, but she's still holding strong.... no epideral as of yet! Please, keep praying for progress!

The nurse said Reed has about an inch of hair, that should be fun style! Maybe he'll have a fo-hawk like his Dad.

1:40 p.m.

Pray for progress... Dr. Holly just checked Andrea, she has progressed to a 3, still at 70% efface. Reed is not moving down like he should, he has actually moved up a little. They are going to check her again at 2:15. If we have no progress then the likely hood of more progress is slim and we might have to go for a c-section.


Andrea 's progress is going a little slow, so they have turned up the "pit". She can feel the contractions a little more, but they are manageable. She's looking great, definitely not like she is in labor!

10:40 a.m.

Nurse Buffy just checked Andrea, she's still at a 2 and now at 70% efface. She still hasn't felt a good contraction. She's having some lower back pain which is sign that Reed might be facing up, so they have rolled Andrea on her side to encourage Reed turn.

10:18 a.m.

Andrea is doing great! Her contractions have increased a little bit, but she still hasn't felt much. We've had quite a few visitors already as you can see below.
Dad, Andrea, and Dad to be...
Amy, Mom, Andrea, Marlyn, Vicky

Mom, Andrea, and Dad
Mom, Andrea, and Vicky

Mom, Andrea, and Vicky

9:00 a.m.

Dr. Holly just broke Andrea's water. Andrea is progressing as planned, she's dilated to a two and 60% effaced. My buddy Scott stopped by right before the water breakage , he freaked out in typically Scott Todd fashion.

Andrea's sister Amy is here now and rest of the family should be stopping by shortly.

8:07 a.m.

We met our nurse, Buffy, she's really sweet. She actually gave us a tour of the hospital a few weeks ago. Buffy increased the pitocin...aka "pit" as the nurses call it and Dr. Holly should be in sometime before 9:00 a.m. to break Andrea's water. Things should pick up after that.

7:40 a.m.

Andrea here, Josh wrote the first update while I was answering one million questions and signing lots of paperwork. We are still just hanging out! The nurse left about 6:30 and no one has been back in. We are just watching the news and playing on the internet waiting on things to pick up. The pitocin is dripping VERY slow, so I think it is going to be a while before we have any excitement!

6:00 a.m.

Well, we're off to the races. We arrived at the hospital little after 5:30 a.m.. As soon as we turned the corner to labor and delivery the nurses were ready to go. Nurse shift change is around 6:00 a.m., they can't wait to go home, so every thing is going at the speed of light. Andrea is doing great. She's already received a bag of fluids and they're about to start the pitocin.


Ashley said...

We are so excited for you guys! We are praying you will have a safe and quick delivery. I have been telling Deacon all morning that his new friend Reed is on the way! Thanks for the updates...keep them coming.

Charity said...

:) :) :)

Tracy Purdy said...

Ohhhhh!! I will be reading all day! I woke up so excited for you guys!

Ashley Scott...Oh the Randomness said...

i love this! i can't wait to read all the updates. good luck!

nancy said...

Praying for y'all today!

Ashley Wadlow said...

Oh my gosh. I just can't tell you how excited I am for you both. You are going to FANTASTIC parents!!! Andrea looks great! Give her my love!!!

Charity said...

Andrea, you look so pretty!

Sydney said...

Yeah for progress!!!
I can't wait to meet your little man! Stella is ready to meet her boyfriend and loves that he already has hair!
We love you and are praying.