Friday, April 10, 2009

Update from before birth to now!

This is Andrea! I thought Josh did a GREAT job yesterday keeping everyone posted as much as possible and I am so glad he did. I will try to fill in the gap between 3 pm and Reed being born at 5:14. After I was checked yesterday at 2:30, nurse Buffy came back to check me at 3:30 and even with my new position Reed still did not make any progress, I was still at a 4 and 80% effaced and his head had actually turned to the side. So at this point we knew this wasn't good. We had been up and down so much all day! I was feeling fine and willing to do whatever it took not to have a c-section. The day had gone by so fast and had not been bad at all. But when I realized they had started pitocin at 6:15 and Reed still wasn't coming down, it was pretty evident what was ahead. The nurse kept also adding that Reed's head was not trying to cone and shape for the birth canal, but she couldn't tell which way he was facing. The doctor and nurse really had no idea why he was not coming down at this point. So the nurse called the doctor and Dr. Cockrum gave me until 4:15 to show progress and then it was for sure a c-section! They had me turn on my side, trying to make Reed turn back down. Josh and I just spent this time together alone coming to grasp with what was about to happen, because at this point we knew. So when nurse came back into check me at 4:15 Reed had not only not progressed but he had turned almost completely sideways. I was okay and not really scared of the c-section, I was just worried about the after part. I hated thinking about having to be numb and not being able to hold Reed right away. I also hated it for Josh not being able to cut the cord. Just wasn't the experience we were expecting but it turned out okayand Reed is PERFECT!! Turns out the whole problem was that Reed was facing up, instead of face down, keeping him from getting into position for birth.

Afterwards they did give me pain medicine that made me SO loopy and I couldn't really move from the chest frustrating. I had also had morphine and a huge side effect is being itchy, so because I was numb from the chest down, my whole face was so itchy...ugh! We let the family in to see Reed and then I tried to feed him. With me trying to set up to feed it made me sick. So not fun! I had gone through my whole pregnancy without throwing up and now I am sick trying to breastfeed for the first time. It was awful watching everyone meet Reed for the first time and I could barely articulate my words. The spinal epidural also made me very hoarse, so I sound awful, which is also very annoying! I tried to eat some Jello late last night and got sick again, which is so surprising to me because I normally have a very strong stomach. Reed finally did okay with his 10 o'clock feeding, but every 3 hours through the night, 1, 4 and 7, he didn't try to latch at all. Which is totally normal, I know, but I am hoping and praying for more progress today with the weekend coming up today is the last day I will have help while in the hospital.
9:00 am 4.10.09
Reed is currently getting checked out by the pediatrician for the first time and I am waiting on Dr. Cockrum to come give her orders to stop my I.V. and let me get up. I am doing 100% better this morning and I was able to eat breakfast, so I am good to go now. The new nurse this morning even thought that I had had my c-section yesterday morning early because of how well I am moving around. That made me feel better, so hopefully I will recover quickly. I am SO ready to get up and get ready for the day. I am just stuck in bed right now, without Reed about to go crazy!! :) The doctor mentioned yesterday that if I am feeling well we can go home tomorrow afternoon, so that is what I am shooting for right now.
Thanks again to EVERYONE that prayed yesterday!! Reed is here, healthy and perfect and we can't wait for EVERYONE to meet him. Feel free to stop by anytime, we are in room 248 at NLR baptist.
Dr. Cockrum pulling Reed out!
Reed coming out!!
Dr. Cockrum holding Reed up for me to see him for the first time.
Watching Reed get cleaned up!
Getting weighed!!
Holding Reed for the first time! Just a few tears if you can't tell! :)
A family of three!
Kisses all around!
Me with nurse Buffy! She was amazing ALL day! Both her and Dr. Cockrum are currently pregnant and both have had similar situations to what I went through with their previous babies, so it was good to have them around! I know they did all they could do to help me have the experience I wanted.

All the visitors! Right after birth!


Charity said...

Andrea, I'm glad that you are feeling better today. I'm sorry that it wasn't the experience you dreamed of having, but I know that you are just THRILLED to have your precious baby here! He is Perfect... and so pretty. You look so pretty in your pics too! No one can tell you just had a baby! Can't wait to see Reed again!

Ashley Scott...Oh the Randomness said...

Congratulations Bakers! He is so adorable. I'm sad for you that it wasn't how you imagined it, but he is here, healthy, and handsome!

Tracy Purdy said...

I just teared up! I am so very happy for you guys! Thank you so much for keeping us updated! I hope you continue to post about the progress! He is SO precious! Can't wait to hear how everything goes when you get him home!

Sydney said...

Andrea and Josh,
Reed is perfect!!! We can't wait to meet him. Stella was talking about him all last night and says she will stay up late tonight so we can meet her future man! We love you and are praying for a VERY quick recovery!

Ashley Wadlow said...

Andrea, so proud of you! Looks and sounds like you did great!!! Your family is beautiful :)

The Barnards said...

Andrea, it sounds like you are already off to a great recovery. I hear you have even Reed is precious and all the blessing he is going to bring to you two has just begun. Be patient with the nursing, it took a lot of work and patience. Let us know if you need anything. See you all soon.

Jill said...

Congrats Andrea!!! Reed is just beautiful....welcome to motherhood, rarely do things go exactly how you think, but it's wonderful all the same.

The Nelson Family said...

So glad he is here, safe and sound! He looks like Josh already. And you look so beautiful, too. I hope you are feeling great very soon! Try to catch some sleep between all those feedings. :) Can't wait to see more pictures soon.

The Proctors said...

Congratulations to you guys! look so great after giving birth!! Reed is adorable!! You will LOVE being a mother!