I can't believe my baby is 6 months old! This has been the first milestone that made me a little sad. Last Friday on the 9th, every time I would think about Reed being 6 months old the tears would start coming. I just want to hold on to that little baby forever!
This was the first monthly birthday that I wasn't able to take pictures on the actually day. I had to work Friday and I had plans to take them before I left for work, but Reed decided to sleep in until 7:40 (he didn't make a peep for almost 11 hours). I let him sleep in until he woke up, but as soon as he ate I had to leave for work. After work we packed up and headed to Fayetteville to see friends and for Josh and some other guys to go watch the Hogs game. So I took pictures Sunday afternoon after church in his church clothes. Reed was in a funny, very busy mood as usual. He is a typical little boy for sure! He can't sit still for more than 30 seconds and wants to put everything in his mouth. It is getting harder and harder to get some good pictures of him.
Look at that mischievous smile!
Laughing for the camera.
The famous open mouth smile.
Going for the shoe....
And the bear....
Has you can see Reed's little personality is starting to shine! He is such a happy little boy! To me this month as been the most fun! He has changed so much! It is so much fun to see the world through Reed's eyes.
At 6 months Reed is....
- Almost sitting up by himself, he does so well sitting up with the boppy behind him for a little support. He prefers to be sitting up. He is able to sit and play and go from toy to toy by himself.
- Reaching and grabbing for anything that interest him. We have learned that he is very fast!
- Doing great drinking from a sippy cup. He has learned that he has to tip his head back to drink
- Holding his own bottle.
- Still going to bed right at 8 pm and sleeping until around 7 am. A few mornings a week he wakes up around 5 to 6 for his paci and that will hold him off for another hour or so
- Eating consistently for the last couple of weeks at 7, 11, 2, 5 and 8. Some days I think he is going to be way off schedule b/c he will eat early at 6:30 and then again at 10, but some how by the end of the day he always gets himself back on schedule
- After his 5 pm feeding, he eats his solid food. Thus far Reed has had banana, sweet potatoes, avocado, cooked pears, cooked peaches and cooked plums. Next, up is mangos and papaya. Most of the time I mix the food with a little bit of cereal to thicken it up and for the iron in the cereal.
- On the 8th we tried adding a second feeding after the 11 am feeding but he hasn't seemed to interested. I made the Super Porridge from the Super Baby Food book (basically it is fine ground, cooked whole grain brown rice). Reed wasn't very impressed! I mixed it with a little banana and it still wasn't his favorite.
- Still wearing size 2 diapers
- Transitioning more into size 6-9 month clothes, a lot of this is due to the season changes.
- Loving bath time. Still getting baths during the day, mainly b/c Gran and Gigi give them to him.
- Naps are getting much better, I wouldn't say they are predictable, but they are easier. The last couple of weeks I have been able to lay him down in his crib when I know he is really tired with his blanket and he will get himself to sleep within 5 to 10 minutes. However, you never know how long he is going to sleep, anywhere from 30 mins to 2 hours. He averages about 1 hour 3 times a day.
- Has the best giggle! Loves being tickled and playing peek-a-boo! He will giggle so hard over and over.
- Has mastered spitting the paci out when he wants to put something in his mouth instead.
- Saying Da-da and babbling so much more. He even as a little squeal he will do sometimes.
- Has really discovered his hands. He will lay back a turn them back and forth just looking at them it is SO funny.
- Also found his ears, he will sit and just play with them.
- Sitting up in the stroller, shopping cart and high chairs at restaurants. This has been a lot of fun!
- Rolled over from tummy to back on September 28th. Rolling over now is old news, he makes it look to easy. We waited forever for him to roll over and now all he wants to do is sit up.
- Has started reaching for me, it is the BEST! This is the single one thing that I couldn't wait for! Makes my day that he knows his Mommy! He has also started getting really excited when he sees me when I get home from work.
1 comment:
So glad you put his picture up in this studly outfit. LOVE it. Such a big boy.
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