Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Halloween Party

Ok, so I know this is a month late but I have to blog about it for the memories! Lately, I feel like my life is spinning out of control. I just can't catch up! I LOVE being at home a couple of days a week with Reed, but it makes getting work done so hard so I need up staying up until 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. Then on the nights I actually work in the office after Reed goes to bed I completely crash and end up going to bed shortly after he does. So that has been the cause of the lack of blogging lately, not that I have ever been great at it! Anyway, on to the Halloween Party we hosted almost a month ago!

So on October 24th we hosted a Halloween Party for all the kiddos and our great friends! It was a chance for all the kids to get together and see them all in their costumes before Halloween. Unfortunately we didn't get a group picture of all of them, but we had a great time hanging out with everyone! It was so much fun seeing all the kids in their costumes! I of course had lots of fun getting ready for the party by making fun decorations and desserts.

Reed, as you can see below, was the cutest elephant I have ever seen! He hated the costume, he didn't like the head piece at all. We were able to capture a couple of pictures but the costume came off pretty fast.

This was the best smile that we got without him pulling at the ears.
Reed and sweet Amelia, the cutest bee ever! They were the only 2 that couldn't walk, so they got stuck in front of the camera! Haha! All the other kiddos were running around.
Reed loved Amelia's shiny black shoes.
Ashley and Deacon, he was an adorable Lion, you can see pictures of him in his costume and some of the other kids here, Deacon's Mommy is a much better blogger than me and took quite a few more pictures.
Amelia and her Mommy, Heather!
Owen and his Mommy, Amy!
Thank goodness for Laurie! She held Reed a lot this night. I under estimated how hard it is being the host with a little one. Josh was grilling most of the night, so I had a hard time getting things together with Reed on my hip. Another reason I forgot to take more pictures too.
One of the few pictures of some of the food. Rice Krispy treats, Nutterbutter ghost and Oreo spiders.
This is a terrible picture. But the centerpieces I made for the table were Halloween trees. I took orange flower pots put Candy Corn in them to hold up a black painted twig. Then I hung small pumpkins, black cats, spiders and ghost on them. They turned out so cute!
Lots of picture taking went on outside in the yard. If you look close you can see Chandler the sock monkey, Stella the flower, Megan as Batwoman, and Mason as Tiger.
Stella was cracking me up! After taking off her costume she was running around in her tights and boots.....so cute!
The best part of the night for Reed was that Deacon brought his walker over for us to borrow! Reed LOVES it! He chases us and the dogs all over the house in it. He amazes us how well he turns in it and gets where he wants to go.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I'm glad Reed is loving the walker!