Saturday, January 14, 2012

Christmas at Gran & Grandads

Next up was Christmas at my Mom's house! We had a great lunch together and opened up gifts. Again Reed always knows right where the toys are at each house and he is always the center of attention! This silly hat is one of his favorites at my Mom's house, along with the legos that he dumps out everywhere! :) This little bear, rocking chair is something I was played with as a kid, Reed had fun playing with it.
In the playroom, Mom & Steve had a big choo-choo train set up around another tree, Reed loved it and spent a lot of time in there with Grandad.

Present time, we all set back and watched Reed open up all his gifts. Amy got him this adorable dog sleeping bag, with his name on it. Another Mater truck! I think he was looking at all the pictures on the box. These little trucks and cars are really neat. They are a great size and the more you shake them the faster they go. Reed is constantly playing with them.

I think Reed's favorite present of all, or at least it got the best reaction was this Olivia set. I don't know why or how it really started but this is Reed's VERY favorite cartoon (a cartoon about a family of pigs)! He loves having the whole family and their car to drive them around in. He usually runs to get them when he is watching them on tv. Graham in his little Santa outfit!Gran, Reed & GrahamReed got lots more I didn't get pictures of and Graham got clothes and some great toys he will soon be able to play with. With had a great time spending the afternoon with Mom, Steve & Amy! If you can't tell Reed and Graham are to very spoiled and loved little boys. We are so thankful for great family that takes care of them.

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