Saturday, January 14, 2012

Christmas with Papa & Gigi

We ended Christmas Day, with Josh's parents & Uncle Branden. We had a great dinner and opened LOTS more gifts.

Family pic, before the present opening began!

Uncle B, Reed and Branden's new puppy Kobi
A couple of weeks before Christmas, Reed stayed at Gigi's house and helped her decorate for Christmas. One of the things he helped with was setting up the Nativity scene in the picture below. Reed really got into the manager scene this year and would frequently point out the Shepard and wisemen at our one at home. He even asked me one day, where is the manager? My nativity set just has Mary holding baby Jesus. He learned a lot at school this year about the real meaning of Christmas and what happen the night Jesus was born, it was really amazing to hear him tell us stories about what they talked about at school.

In this picture he is showing Branden baby Jesus.

And the next thing we know....Reed is feeding baby Jesus!! OMG, we all died laughing! It was even more funny to me, because this came out of the blue, he has never even tried to do this with one of his stuffed animals. I guess he just thought baby Jesus wanted some milk!
Present time.....the first thing Reed opened was this giant castle that has over 70 pieces! We haven't tackled putting this together yet.
This isn't the best picture, but Reed & Graham got these cute stuffed animals from Branden. You press their hands and they play recorded messages from Branden. Reed loves hearing his Uncle Branden through is camo bear.
More legos! This is a Cars set that has Mac, Doc & Lightning McQueen. It is definitely a favorite right now. Reed loves legos, I feel like we have almost every set you can buy.

Reed also loves camo. Gigi got him a new pair of camo pants and before we could blink he had his pants off wanting the camo pants on! Crazy kid!

Reed got this cool road mat to drive his trucks and cars on. Before Christmas he was always asking us to build a road for his cars, so this has been great to have! He also got an ambulance and a tow truck the light up and make noise.

Dress Up time! Reed got a policeman & fireman outfit. He is constantly telling us we are under arrest and putting hand cuffs on us!

Reed made Papa be a policeman while he was the fireman.

A great ending to a great Christmas! This year was so much fun! Seeing Christmas through the eyes of a 2 year old is the best and being able to hold a precious one month old at the same time is priceless! We are truly blessed with amazing families! I just can't wait to see what Christmas 2012 will look like!

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